Monday, June 18, 2007

Nevill Bear came to play...

On Saturday **Nevill Bear came to watch my brother Beck and I play football at school. Nevill Bear didn’t join in though; he said it was far too muddy! Beck scored two goals and I did some brilliant saves and some tough tackles.

On Sunday Nevill Bear helped me give my Dad the fathers day card I made him. My Dad was very happy and said the card was really cool!

After our breakfast we all went on an adventure on our bikes, it was awesome! We all went super fast, zooming through lots of enormous puddles and scrambling through the woods!

On the way back home we passed Brookside garden centre and Nevill Bear asked if he could ride the train. I bought him a ticket from the stationmaster and we all had a ride. Through tunnels, round the curves and across the bridges we went, “CHOO CHOO” said the train as it puffed along!

When we got home my dad took the stabilisers off my bike and I rode off on just two wheels like a super stuntman! I didnt fall off and Nevill Bear was very proud of me. My dad even made us a ramp and we did some super jumps on our bikes.

Nevill Bear and I were really tired after a fun filled weekend. I love it when Nevill Bear comes to play at my house, because we always have amazing adventures.

Cole Stanley Roberts

** Nevill Bear is given to the VIP (best behaved person) at nursery each week. The VIP takes Nevill Bear home for the weekend and the kids write about their adventures...

Sunny Holiday

Well we certainly picked the right week! The sun had it's hat on and shone every day whilst were were down in Somerset. We all had a great time and can't wait to go back again!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

New TV has arrived ;O)

It's always nice to get a new TV, even better when it's a huge 46" Sharp LCD!

First thing we did was fire up Fifa2007 on the X-Box. 'Look at the size of the players' said Beck, 'they are nearly as big as me'!

End of an era......

Finally after several months of waiting for completion, our old house at 70 Roslyn Road is now sold!!
The money is in the bank and we can now concentrate on getting our new house the way we want it. We lived there 12 years and
spent what seemed like endless hours doing DIY (badley) and are now very glad it's gone.

The Roberts Tribe have really settled into our new home in Shepley Close. The kids love it here and have made new friends who they play out with every day. It's a more relaxed and safer place to live than 'Lower Davenport' was. We are happy to live here, until I win the lotto that is......

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Crocky Trail

Howdy folks, today we have been out to Crocky Trail near Chester. Had a great day out watching our boys flying down big slides, riding the giant Titanic, spinning out on the giant spinning round-a-bout thing and following the Crocky Trail.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Off to see the Wizard?

We have just dropped Beryl and Brian (Kim's mum and dad) off at Manchester Airport. They are off to Australia for 5 whole weeks!!!

Just how will Kim and I cope without our best child minders?

More to the point, how will Beryl and Brian cope without seeing Beck and Cole for 5 whole weeks :O)

Roll on the 30th of March.......

Friday, February 09, 2007


yes, the Roberts tribe are on the move! We got the keys to our new home in Hazel Grove, Stockport today and are all really really buzzing!

We haven't actually sold our old house yet though, as the sale is still going through. This is nice because it gives us a few weeks to move all the junk to our new house without any rush.

We hope to have some more pictures soon.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Mummy & Daddy

It was mummy and daddy's birthday yesterday. Mummy said she was 21 but we don't believe her. Daddy bought mummy a diamond necklace and we helped daddy write a poem for mummy.

As we’re not moving for a while,
We bought you this necklace to make you smile.
It’s to keep you happy so your’e not sad,
And though it cost a lot please don’t be mad!
It sparkles like the brightest star,
And you deserve it for who you are.
You look after us, you make things fun,
That’s why we’re so glad that your our mum.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve, Eve.... boys night out

the peace and tranquility of Cheadle Hulme was gently shattered last night as the lads visited the village for a few quiet shandy's. The night didn't get off to a particularity good start though; Lenno had a Vimto tash, Wardy had his dad's coat on and then Coxy turned up in a cardigan! What was he thinking?

Things then went from bad to worse! Mike T started mincing round the place with a glass of red wine and was soon joined by Gaz and Wardy on the red wine trail. Next Gaz suprisingly admitting he had a book on wine and he was 'getting into it'. Picture is of Wardy trying to be refined with a glass of red. I don't think he quite pulled it off though....

All was not lost, soon after they redeemed some credibility with some funky dancing as they entertained astonished on lookers with some fancy moves.

All in all it was a good night and a great way to end 2006.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone!

5.30am Christmas Day morning..... "HE'S BEEN, HE'S BEEN, FATHER CHRISTMAS HAS BEEN" shouted Beck as he raced up the stairs to our room. As you can imagine, total mahem ensued as the kids ripped through their presents in a frenzy of excitement and amazement.

With Cole zooming down the road on his new tractor and Beck playing tunes on his new keyboard, it was a Christmas to remember! Even Christmas dinner was edible!!

Wishing you all the best for 2007........