Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve, Eve.... boys night out

the peace and tranquility of Cheadle Hulme was gently shattered last night as the lads visited the village for a few quiet shandy's. The night didn't get off to a particularity good start though; Lenno had a Vimto tash, Wardy had his dad's coat on and then Coxy turned up in a cardigan! What was he thinking?

Things then went from bad to worse! Mike T started mincing round the place with a glass of red wine and was soon joined by Gaz and Wardy on the red wine trail. Next Gaz suprisingly admitting he had a book on wine and he was 'getting into it'. Picture is of Wardy trying to be refined with a glass of red. I don't think he quite pulled it off though....

All was not lost, soon after they redeemed some credibility with some funky dancing as they entertained astonished on lookers with some fancy moves.

All in all it was a good night and a great way to end 2006.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone!

5.30am Christmas Day morning..... "HE'S BEEN, HE'S BEEN, FATHER CHRISTMAS HAS BEEN" shouted Beck as he raced up the stairs to our room. As you can imagine, total mahem ensued as the kids ripped through their presents in a frenzy of excitement and amazement.

With Cole zooming down the road on his new tractor and Beck playing tunes on his new keyboard, it was a Christmas to remember! Even Christmas dinner was edible!!

Wishing you all the best for 2007........

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas Shopping

Pic of Beck and Cole Christmas shopping at the Trafford Centre. We didn't actually buy anything, but did caus mayhem in every shop we went in.

The singing Christmas Tree was mint, although lunch at McDonalds was the kids favourite part of our shopping trip.....

Do these goggles make my bum look big?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


On Sunday we took Nevill Bear to play golf on the academy course at Adlington. Beck's first shot of the day to the 85 yard 1st hole stopped just a few yards short of the green. He chipped on and two putted for a birdie! Cole's putting this week was fantastic, he knocked one in from about 15 yards, straight across the green and in! Nevill Bear looked on with amazement..... and so did I !!

On the 9th hole, Beck hit yet another huge drive, chipped on and then one putted for an EAGLE! Cole then bringing up the rear with his first ever Birdie! It won't be long before they are on the PGA Tour with me as their caddie ;O)

Needless to say that Nevill Bear had a great sporty weekend and enjoyed playing with Cole and Beck.

Star of the week!

Cole returned home from Nursery School on Friday with news that he was the 'STAR OF THE WEEK'!!! For his reward he got to take Nevill Bear home for the weekend! We decided to take Nevill bear to football on Saturday morning so he could watch the boys getting muddy.

Beck was in awsome form, scoring two goals and also doing lots of fantastic tackling and passing. Cole scored his first ever hat-trick and won the Man of the match trophy!! Not bad considering Cole is only 4 years old and most of the other kids are either 6 or 7 years old..... Well Done Boys!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Calum's Party

Our cousin Calum had a birthday party at FunIzUs for his 5th birthday. We had a great time and Calum got lots of presents.

Trick or Treat ?

Count Beck-ula and Skelly-Cole took to the streets on Halloween and scared our neighbours into giving them sweets!!

Bonfire Night

So... bonfire night then! We all piled round to Andy and Jane's on Saturday night for their annual bonfire. Beck and Cole had a great time scouring their garden for bits of wood and twigs to throw on the fire.

Kim and the other girls (Jane, Nicola Heil, Nicki, Karen Brindley) managed to stay quite sober actually, which is quite a rarity!

Picture is of Andy with his moon-seeker rocket. I'm sure he would of strapped Beck and Cole to it if I would have let him 8O)