Saturday, February 24, 2007

Off to see the Wizard?

We have just dropped Beryl and Brian (Kim's mum and dad) off at Manchester Airport. They are off to Australia for 5 whole weeks!!!

Just how will Kim and I cope without our best child minders?

More to the point, how will Beryl and Brian cope without seeing Beck and Cole for 5 whole weeks :O)

Roll on the 30th of March.......

Friday, February 09, 2007


yes, the Roberts tribe are on the move! We got the keys to our new home in Hazel Grove, Stockport today and are all really really buzzing!

We haven't actually sold our old house yet though, as the sale is still going through. This is nice because it gives us a few weeks to move all the junk to our new house without any rush.

We hope to have some more pictures soon.